Heading West and Discovering Iowa

A very uneventful crossing of Lake Michigan, the rain held off until we landed.

Pearl was off loaded quickly and we headed West across Wisconsin. Wish it was a prettier day and I had more time to stop and see some places. And taste test cheese from here. However the rain started almost as soon as I started out and continued.The campground was 4.5 hours away so I pressed onward. Nice place and a lot to see and hike around here. Glad I stayed 2 nights.Pikes Peak state park was great. A tight squeeze to park Pearl but I managed. Got here just before the heavy rains.

Next day I drove to Effigy Mounds National monument. Great trails and the mounds were well noted and visible. Not sure the pictures show how well the shapes are but hopefully you get the impression of them.

The overlooks were also great!

Pikes Peaks trails and overlooks were also great.

Onto the next campsite farther west today. Take care all.

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